- #240SOLD-OUT
swirlsA modern pattern associated with water
- #241SOLD-OUT
swirlsA modern pattern associated with water
- #614
Hina dollsA set of dolls displayed through the Girls' Festival season (till 3 March).
- #640
Setsubun festivalThe day before the calendrical beginning of spring. The Setsubun festival celebrating the end of winter. Evil spirit is chased away in the chasing ritual.
- #645
round fan
- #649
mask - #670
beans - #683
small plates - #687
diceDice has been used for board games since very early period (710-). It came originally from China after traveling the silk road. With these small cubes, various games are thought up and practiced to entertain playful minds.
- #694
round fans & fireworks
- #704
SumoVarious winning techniques of sumo wrestling.
- #714
the Star Festivalthe Festival of the Weaver (Star Vega). Paper slips (hung from bamboo) dancing in the breeze.
- #716
MatoiVarious marks of fire-fighting teams in the Edo era. Marks were often attached to the poles.
- #718
bicycle (red) - #719
bicycle (blk)