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seagullsSeagull is a typical sea bird. We enjoy seeing seagulls gliding in the sea wind and hovering around fishing boats. During the summer, they migrate to Siberia and return to Japan in Winter.
flock of ploversPlovers (Charadrius spp.) always fly in flocks and thus the Japanese name of plover, Chidori (千鳥), derives from thousands of birds. The motif of Chidori was often used in Heian Period (794-1185). This design was arranged from a traditional figure of plovers, called Nanbu-chidori-mon (南部千鳥文).
plovers & ripplesPlovers (Charadrius spp.) always fly in flocks and thus the Japanese name of plover, Chidori (千鳥), derives from thousands of birds. The motif of Chidori was often used in Heian Period (794-1185). This design was arranged from a traditional figure of plovers, called Nanbu-chidori-mon (南部千鳥文).
turtleA turtle motif promises a long life. The Japanese proverb says thus, "Crane lives for thousand years, turtle for ten thousand."
papier-mache dogs (red)The Hariko-dog (犬張子) was used to be made by imitating own baby's face and dedicated to a Shinto shirine to protect the baby against evils. Today, it is also used as a decoration because of its lovely figure.
Kappa (river sprite)Kappa (河童) is one of the most well-known sprites in Japan. Kappa puts a plate on its head and carries a carapace on the back. It lives in rivers or ponds and loves cucumber... Such folklore can be found countrywide.
monkiesAn traditional motif of buddhistic good lesson using monkeys: One should not see, hear, speak bad things.
the twelve horary signs#630
pigletsPigs were domesticated in the ancient time of Japan before the Buddhism prospered (710-794).
papier-mache dogsThe Hariko-dog (犬張子) was used to be made by imitating own baby's face and dedicated to a Shinto shirine to protect the baby against evils. Today, it is also used as a decoration because of its lovely figure.
Kappa (river sprite)Kappa (河童) is one of the most well-known sprites in Japan. Kappa puts a plate on its head and carries a carapace on the back. It lives in rivers or ponds and loves cucumber... Such folklore can be found countrywide.
raccoonsThis animal implies proficiency, and is therefore thought to bring success.
dogsDog is beloved of human in the world as is it the most loyal animal. People love its lovely eyes and brightness.
pandaA modern pattern
rabbits inviting good luck#742
Manekineko (cats)The Maneki Neko (招き猫, "Beckoning Cat") is a common Japanese sculpture, which is believed to bring good luck to the owner. It depicts a Japanese Bobtail beckoning with an upright paw, and is usually displayed at the entrance in shops and restaurants.
flamingoA modern design. In Japan, flamingos are known as "Pink Cranes" because of their salmon pink feathers and characteristic one-leg postures, similar to Japanese cranes.
rabbitsrabbits inviting good luck
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