dragonflies with scroll work#613SOLD-OUT
firefliesDuring the summer nights, people like to see the lights of fireflies in the moon light.
snailsPretty form of feeler and shell. One can see everywhere snails moving on dewy leaves during the early summer and rainy season.
ladybugA modern design for good luck.
Autumn harmonyThe singing of insects from the dewy meadow. You hear the singing of individual insects at the beginning of summer. The autumn is almost there, when you notice a great chorus of insects in the heat of summer.
dragonflies (blue)Dragonfly was also called insect of winner (Kachimushi=勝虫), as it only attacks and never retreats. Samurai worrior preferred dragonfly as a symbol of victory and used the patterns for armor and panoply. The various patterns of dragonfly can also be seen for Yukata (cotton kimono for summer) or Kasuri (splashed pattern of Kimono) from Edo period (1603-) to today.
dragonflies (red)Dragonfly was also called insect of winner (Kachimushi=勝虫), as it only attacks and never retreats. Samurai worrior preferred dragonfly as a symbol of victory and used the patterns for armor and panoply. The various patterns of dragonfly can also be seen for Yukata (cotton kimono for summer) or Kasuri (splashed pattern of Kimono) from Edo period (1603-) to today.
dragonfliesDragonfly was also called insect of winner (Kachimushi=勝虫), as it only attacks and never retreats. Samurai worrior preferred dragonfly as a symbol of victory and used the patterns for armor and panoply. The various patterns of dragonfly can also be seen for Yukata (cotton kimono for summer) or Kasuri (splashed pattern of Kimono) from Edo period (1603-) to today.
firefliesDuring the summer nights, people like to see the lights of fireflies in the moon light.
dragonflies (blk)Dragonfly was also called insect of winner (Kachimushi=勝虫), as it only attacks and never retreats. Samurai worrior preferred dragonfly as a symbol of victory and used the patterns for armor and panoply. The various patterns of dragonfly can also be seen for Yukata (cotton kimono for summer) or Kasuri (splashed pattern of Kimono) from Edo period (1603-) to today.