car race#746
sandlot baseball#747
wrenchWrenches and nuts. The size and form of wrench must be the same as nuts precisely.
Dance Macabre#771
Lightning & God of thunder#772
rough seasWaves have been favorably designed in any time. The sea is a very close object for the Japanese.
wax & waneA full, new, half, waning, crescent, waxing moon..., Lunar phase. In Japan, every moon from each phase is adorned with a beautiful name.
noodlesIt is said the name "Udon" noodle (wheat noodle) is derived from "Konton" imported from China in the Nara Era (710-794). The current form was made during the Edo Era (1603-1867). There are many types of Udon noodle in Japan: Inaniwa-Udon (Akita Pref.), Mizusawa-Udon (Gunma Pref.), Houtou (Yamanashi Pref.), Kishimen (Nagoya), Ise-Udon (Mie Pref.), and Sanuki-Udon (Kagawa Pref.)
Hina dolls#798SOLD-OUT
Goods of daily use in the Edo era