Mimasu ni KumadoriA combination of triple squares of a Kabuki Family, Naritaya, and Kabuki masks.
GionmoriThe emblem of a Kabuki Family, Narikomaya is embedded in the check pattern.
Ichimura latticeDesigned by a Kabuki actor, Ichimura Uzaemon.
Shikan stripesThe comprising motifs function as a phonetic script reading "Shikan", the name of an actor of a Kabuki Family, Narikomaya.
Mitsudai stripesDesigned by a Kabuki actor, Banto Mitsugoro. The motif is a modification of his personal insignia.
Kabuki (patchwork)A variety of Kabuki-originated patterns, made into a playful patchwork.
Kabuki array (red)An array of Kabuki Family Emblems. Each emblem is named in unique Japanese words.
Kourai latticeMade popular by a Kabuki actor, Matsumoto Koshiro. The pattern is named after his Family, Karaiya.
HukiyoseA combinationof pine needles and ginkgo leaves. Often appears in Kabuki performances.
Kabuki array (black)
TakokarakusaTentacles of an octopus entwined into arabesque.
saayagataA transformed pattern of the Japanese swastika that means auspiciousness. The original symbol can be usually seen in temples
scalesA geometric pattern implying scales, which means talisman and promising a long life.
YoshiwaratsunagiThe geometric pattern of chain implies the imprisoned state of Yoshiwara prostitutes, who were never granted freedom.
Japanese alphabetAll of the 48 letters are gracefully aligned in special calligraphy used for theatre advertisement and show card.
fire-fighting teamsScattered are the names of all Edo fire-fighting teams (48 teams).
KamawanuDesigned by a Kabuki actor, Ichikawa Danjuro. Comprising motifs function as a phonetic script reading "never bother".
Hearing something goodThe design which belongs to a Kabuki Family, Otowaya. Several comprising motifs function as a phonetic script reading "Hearing something good".
hailsDots of various sizes making up a simple hail-like pattern.
Harimaya lattice