flower stripes#860
watermelon & melonWatermelons with similar looking melons.
irisIris sanguinea, a common flower in the early summer (May-June) colonizing in the field and mountains.
chrysanthemumThere are many patterns using chrysanthemum (Kiku) traditionally. The pattern has been used for table wares and room decorations. There are many variation of patterns such as Mujina-kiku, Kiku-Karakusa, Kiku-sui, manju-Kiku, Kiku-hishi. One believes chrysanthemum has efficacy of long life.
ear of riceA pattern of ear of rice. Rice is thought as a special cereal that has spiritual or magical power. Today there are also many religious festivals for autumn harvest and praying fertility.
shoot of the field horsetail#887
silver grassA motif of autumn
Japanese bush clover
holly tree#899
Japanese apricot (grey)Japanese apricot (Ume=梅; Prunus mume) is a typical auspicious symbol. The blossom aroma of Ume tree is fragrant and graceful. The symbol of purity and holiness. As ume tree survives during cold winter and blossoms early in the next spring, it is also a symbol of long life.
cherry blossoms with branchesDesigned the national flower, cherry blossoms with bowed branches. A symbolic pattern of spring. The pattern of cherry blossom originates from the Heian Period (794-1185) used for dress, furniture and battle-gear.
strawberry (pink)A fruit of spring.
ground cherryChildren play with ground cherry making a small baloon from the fruits
willowWillow is a symbol of vital energy as it comes into bud at the very beginning of Spring. At the new year festival, people make a decoration sticking rice cakes to willow branches (Mochi-bana) and chop sticks (Yanagi-bashi) to pray for the rish harvest of crops.